Living with a children's author isn't as easy as it looks!

Five Word Friday

If you know me, you know I’m afraid of lots of things – golf carts, ladders, airplanes, soccer players, election signs, solar panels, and balloons to name a few…. Today’s 5 words are about FEAR.

1. Vocabulary – You should never be afraid of words. Mom is using a ton of new vocabulary in her Lyrical Language Lab. Words like: iamb, meter, dactyl, trochee, and anapest (anaPEST! That’s my name sometimes.)…


The words scared Mom at first, but when she learned about them, they helped her. I know a lot of words, too. Mostly: treat, dinner, park, out, ice cream, and naughty.


2. Fixing up – Mom fixes me up with the Fur-min-a-tor brush. When I’m afraid of the brush, I run around in circles until Mom is too dizzy to un-fur me. Mom works a lot on fixing up her stories after she writes them. She says, “Too long.” and “Too boring.” and “OMG! Where does all this hair come from??”

Blah. Blah. Blah. Where's my treat?

Blah. Blah. Blah. Where’s my treat?

3. Ticking – Mom uses a timer to help me wait for my dinner. She soaks my food in water for a half hour because I don’t like to chew. The clock ticks the whole time, and when it rings, my kibbles are soft enough to eat. The timer is TERRIFYING!


I won’t stay in the room alone with it, so as soon as it’s set, I get next to Mom and follow her like a shadow. The clock is also ticking for Mom to finish her August 12×12 manuscript. She is studying so much at her 2 summer schools that the story is slowing down. Tick. Tick. Tick. *shiver*


4. Characters – I am always trying to be a character in one of Mom’s stories. A few times I made it, but nobody bought the stories, so I’m afraid you’ll never read about me.


I’m changing my look so Mom will write about me again, after she finishes studying characters at Kidlit Summer School.


5. HidingHiding is a good strategy for when you’re afraid. Always get where nobody will see you and stay still.


I’ll be fine here. I’m pretty sure I’m invisible….


Mom can’t hide her summer school work. Both of her teachers say, “Now put your homework on the Facebook page.” Mom says, “I hope this is right.” and “I can’t wait to see what my classmates did.” and “Where are you?”

sheet hiding


Comments on: "Five Word Friday" (72)

  1. WalkToRio said:

    Funny you are afraid of the ticking sound, it means food is coming, should mean a good thing.
    Those dresses kill me!
    You need to convince your mom to write a graphic novel, illustrated with pictures of you wearing those nice costumes.

  2. Hi Cupcake! First of all may I say I love your yellow dress and bunny ears……how could your Mom resist putting you in another story? Just be sure you aren’t invisible – stay visible until she says “You’re the star of the story Cupcake!”……..I’m afraid of some stuff too so don’t feel bad about that. We are brave in our minds but not always in reality – weird noises, people, smells, things – sometimes it’s just too much! I guess that’s when “invisible” comes in handy! Have a Happy Monday……

    Love, Sammy

    • Thanks, S. You can be invisible in your tent. It’s a little tougher for me. But don’t worry, I won’t let Mom forget about me starring is her stories.

      Love and licks,

  3. Where DID all of that fur come from?? 🙂 xx

  4. I think your last hiding place is brilliant, Cupcake!

  5. Well, I just love the yellow ensemble cupcake, you a true fashionista. ❤

  6. uh oh…did I sleep the week away? It’s MONDAY 🙂 Loved the post anyway!

  7. WOW – Thanks Cupcake – these are EXCELLENT ideas. You are so smart! XOXO – Bacon

  8. fredrieka said:

    Oh cupcake anytime there is food I ignore everything around me and drool

  9. So now I have to know, do you go racing into the kitchen when the timer finally does ring?

    • Yes, W.! I did learn that eventually. At first I barked at the door because the timer rings like the doorbell, but now I know, so I come out of hiding and run to the kitchen. And EAT! Finally!

      Love and licks,

  10. I don’t like that fulminator monster either! WOO!

  11. Frankie and Ernie said:

    Cupcake your Yellow Summer Frock is DARLING.
    Our mom says that Kitty Lit was one of her FAVORITE classes of all time.

  12. You look so pretty in your dress

  13. Cupcake I have to tell you, I get the afraids too. I think your yellow and purple dress might be my favorite dress. I think you have a good hidey spot there because I am thinking some FOOD could easily land there!

  14. Cute post! Liked how you combined the topic of fear with Cupcake and writing. Funny, Archie won’t chew dog food either — he just swallows it whole. He doesn’t like it wet. But, he loves to chew on rawhide bones. I remember when I read “The Life of Pi” I learned a lot of interesting information about animal behavior by the zoo keepers. For example, if an Ostrich stands in one area every day, then one day moves, it’s a signal that the Ostrich is disturbed by something or ill. Have used the knowledged with Archie and have learned some interesting things about his behavior. He has a favorite place to lay on the top of a couch where he can observe everything. One day my husband layed his jacket in a corner of the top of the couch, Archie wouldn’t go near the couch. I recognized immediately he was upset and moved the jackets to a chair – up Arche jumped. My husband recently edged around the back porch pavers, which left a gap, and Archie won’t step over it. He goes to the side where the bushes are. Animals like routine and don’t like change. If you have that book, it’s in the early chapters of the book and you might find it interesting. 🙂

    • Mom thinks inside my head is a dangerous and foreign place. I don’t even think the Life of Pi would want to go there. I love Archie! He is a creature of habit like me. And also a food gobbler. Maybe he needs a slow feeder bowl like I have…. Mom got it for me so I wouldn’t vomit every single day.

      Love and licks,

  15. We have a furminator… among other brushing devices… none of which really seem to do the job because there is dog hair EVERYWHERE in this house! But dog hair aside, you are very wise, Cupcake, and brave 🙂 and it sounds like your mom is doing very well at her writing! 🙂

    • Thanks, S. I’m sorry your babies also have to be Furminated. It’s a tough life. Mom is pretty sure that she has too many black clothes to have a white dog. She’s thinking about buying stock in the Swiffer Sweeper. Maybe you should, too….

      Love and licks,

  16. LovableLobo said:

    I dare anyone not to smile when they see that life-sized pic of you, Cupcake! Entertaining post, as usual!

  17. Boy, that’s a lot of stuff to think about Cupcake. Timers for dinner?! That’s just not right. My Electra, Dogzilla, pup has reached the fearful age and has become a laugh a minute. She thinks sticks and rocks on the path are aliens. She just keeps me in stitches. i guess maybe she’s good for something after all. I think your mom should write a story about being afraid. Like that Scaredy Squirrel. You could be famous! Oh, I guess you already are!

    • Don’t laugh at her, R.! Sometimes even leaves can be aliens with their crunchiness and their blowing in the breeze…. I’m with you, E. You can’t be too careful….

      Love and licks,

  18. You are totally rocking your yellow dress and bunny ears Cupcake. Goodness, your mom is going to need a holiday when she is down with all her Summer School classes! Keep an eye on that timer…they can be tricksy. And just between you and us, our dad hates the timer on our oven too, it always gives him a fright when mom uses it *BOL*.
    Wally & Sammy

  19. Good Luck, Genevieve! Could you post your story here or link it to the FB page? Then let us know?


    • Mom is only allowed to put her work on the private Summer School Facebook pages. She did do an assignment about me, so maybe she’ll let me put it on my blog.

      Love and licks,

  20. Oh, Cupcake, I’m afraid of golf carts too. My humans never knew that until some bad little neighborhood boys raced past me in a golf court while we were out on what should have been a relaxing walk. Mommy was tempted to use some questionable vocabulary (she didn’t). I just wanted to hide!

    • You, too!!? What is it about golf carts, Miss HL? They’re demons. The workers use them to ride around our apartment complex fixing things and checking things. They pretend to water the flowers, but I know they’re trying to kill me.

      Love and licks,

  21. Hi Cupcake! You are rocking the yellow dress my friend! Focusing on the phobias poor sweetie? I know you can be brave though too! The under the table invisible is one of Anne’s favorites, but I like your sheet hideout better.

  22. Characters. I will never give up on reading about you! Tick tick tick hehe…

  23. jakesprinter said:

    Really cute dog 🙂

  24. I love your hiding spots Cupcake. Yeah, when I meet people I want to do the same – become invisible. They also scare me, so don’t feel alone.

    Mom always capture you so well and I love when you play in her stories. I think you make the best characters as well. 😀

    Have fun and ♥ Big Hugs ♥ to you and mom.

    • Thanks, S. Here’s some advice for you. If you get scared, go behind the big chair in the living room. Nobody will ever find you there….

      Love and licks,

      • Cool idea! Thanks Cupcake. I will definitely try that next time. It would be fun if I find you there. Then we can play a game. 😆

        ♥ Big Hugs ♥

  25. I cannot understand why your mom uses the word “fearful” as an epitheton ornans for you! I think it might be more appropriate to use the epitheton ornans “stubborn” for her!

  26. I love your yellow outfit! Maybe you can blend in with some bunnies in the yard? 🙂

    • Thanks, RM. I have never actually seen a real, live bunny. Just my stuffed one (and myself in the mirror with my bunny ears on), but I think I would like to mingle with them, as long as they don’t try to kill me.

      Love and licks,

  27. What a delight you are Cupcake and your hiding place is similar to mine when the big thunder booms come and rattle the house. I go under the dining table! The thunders and light stuffs can’t see me and I am safe, Of course my mom is in the room with me. That helps a lot. xox

    • Thanks, K. Moms are good protectors. That’s why I like to attach myself to my Mom and follow her everywhere. Plus stare at her till she gets creeped out.

      Love and licks,

  28. We can read about you here Cupcake!! It’s like our own private book. I think I’d make friends with that timer, when it *tings* your dinner is done!

    • Thanks, J. This is like a big, long book about ME! I’m not afraid of the ringing of the timer. That makes me excited and happy. It’s the ticking…. *shiver*

      Love and licks,

  29. You’re quite a character, Cupcake. No-one can resist you, with or without dress 🙂 Pawkiss 🙂

  30. snoopys@snoopysdogblog said:

    Hey Cupcake,

    You have to wait for 30 mins before you can eat your dinner?! That’s torture!

    I thought it was bad enough that I have to wait for 5 mins as I have Honest Kitchen dehydrated food…..

    You poor thing!

    I hope you’re having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  31. Cupcake, I think it must be VERY hard being the snoopervisor of a writer of children’s books. And what do you mean no one bought the books that had you as the star!!????

    • It IS tougher than it looks, S. No publishers have offered to publish Mom’s stories about me. She never gives up, though, so we’re still working on it.

      Love and licks,

  32. Soooo cute – How much can Cupcake write with his paws?

    • Thanks, QB. I usually just fall asleep on Mom’s iPad and then I type QQQQQQQQ with my ear. That’s why she helps me, sometimes. Apparently people don’t want to read QQQQQQQ or sncgrbsjxkfirbd. Go figure. I think Mom is a control freak.

      Love and licks and njhgdgdvsnc,

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