Living with a children's author isn't as easy as it looks!

Countdown Wednesday

Today, we’re counting down Our Year in Review.

My Highlights in 2012

3. My picture was in a book! Chuck Sambuchino wrote a political humor book called Red Dog / Blue Dog, and he used my picture to illustrate one of the pages! I looked adorable.


2. I learned how to dance. Mom taught me to twirl around on my hind feet for a cookie.

1. I forgot how to bowl! I learned bowling using empty water bottles…..

 But then Santa brought me a bowling set, and I have no idea how to bowl. So I just take a pin and bring it on the couch.

bowling1 pin

16. I found some bread that the birds dropped in front of my house. It was delicious!

Mom’s Highlights in 2012

3. Mom’s story Fly Fishing was in the final issue of Stories for Children Magazine in November. There was no dog in the story, but there was a trout.

2. Mom’s story Waiting for Petey was in the November/December issue of Turtle Magazine. there was no dog in the story, but there was a teddy bear (I love teddy bears).


1. NWEA bought Mom’s poem Talking Goldfish to use in their online test prep program. There was no dog in the poem, but there was a fish.

42. Humpty Dumpty Magazine is holding Mom’s story Show and Tell Surprise for possible publication in the May/June 2013 issue. There was no dog in the story, but there was a hermit crab.

67. Mom completed 3 challenges this year – 12x12in’12 (3 of her 12 stories featured a dog), PiBoIdMo (9 of her 30 ideas are about dogs), and Goodreads. (about 30 of the 214 books she read had a dog in them).

2012 is in the rear view mirror. Bring on 2013. Happy New Year!

new year2

Comments on: "Countdown Wednesday" (55)

  1. Cupcake, you’re good at bowling. Are you in politics, these days… lol I loved the highlights. Happy New Year’s Eve 🙂

  2. Happy new year to you all. We hope all your dreams come true in 2013 🙂 Boh Hugs xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  3. WOW Cupcake….what a year you and your Mom have had!! I’m sure you will re-learn how to bowl or if not, hugging a bowling pin works too! You look so cute with your teddy bear….and I think that crown looks purrfect on your cute little head!! Are you wearing it to my birthday pawty tomorrow???

    Here’s to a HAPPY, HEALTHY, SUCCESSFUL new year for all of us….
    Your Friend, Sammy

  4. Have a wonderful New Year… all my best best wishes for a fabulous 2013 …and if you need a bad idea for next year – just call me ;o)

  5. As far as bowling goes, I think it’s the pins! You’re use to bottles. Maybe mom should tape the caps from the bottles on to the tops of the pins. Then, first step – don’t be afraid. Second step, picture someone’s face on the bottle. (I can suggest one or two if you’d like).
    As far as mom’s book two – not that anyone mentioned that – I see a pattern in her publications. NO DOG! The second book needs to be about Sparky or Buster, or Rocky! Talk to her about it.
    And use your picture with the teddy bear for the next contest. WAY TOO CUTE.

    • I SO agree with you, Gemma! A book without a dog is like a dog without a toy…. Wait. What? I’ve mixed myself up. But, YES! We need a dog book – so I can go along on author visits.

      Love and new year licks,

  6. Yay Cupcake! Your really good at knocking down the pins!

  7. Cupcake, sounds like both you and your mom had a really good year. Hope 2013 is even better!

  8. You have had a busy year! We hope 2013 brings lots of happiness.

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  9. Wow! Congratulations, it sounds like you had a stellar year. Here’s hping 2013 is just as good!!

  10. What a great year you have had. May the next be just as special!

    Nibbles, Nutty, Buddy & Basil

  11. Happy new year Cuppycake!

  12. Happy New Year! Eat more cookies!

  13. Hi, Cupcake! It’s me, Ty!
    A big-fat virtual HI-5 to you my fine, furry friend…what an amazing year you have had! *woop! woop!*
    You deserve all the best 🙂

  14. Happy New Year!!!!! You are so beautiful Cupcake and in a book too! Love the bowling film… we loved it. Looks like a great year for you and mom! We hope 2013 is even better!!! We also want to say thank you for retweeting the info about Dixie…. it was very kind of you.
    God Bless You!
    the collies and chuck 🙂

  15. Lucky you! In a book! Good luck bowling! 🙂

  16. Sounds like you and your mom had a great year! Happy 2013 Cupcake!

  17. Happy new year pal!

  18. I think Dog-Bowling has somewhat different rules but it is always fun!!!

  19. What a fabulous year! I hope 2013 is even better!

  20. What a great year you and your mom have had, Cupcake! I hope this next one will be even better 😀

  21. Ahh Cupcake you are famous!!! In your own book and everything! And your ma found a perfect way to teach you how to dance!

  22. Sounds like you both had a very productive year, Cupcake! I hope you shared that delicious bread with your mom 🙂 And maybe in 2013 she will write more stories with dogs in them since those are the best kind 🙂 Happy New Year!!!

  23. You look adorable and I’m happy you are starting the year joyfully! 🙂
    Glad to reconnect with you this year and many thanks for the blog support.
    •.★♥★Happy New Year to You & Yours!★♥★.•

  24. Congratulations on your mom’s writing successes! Maybe she’ll get a story about a dog accepted 🙂 Your bowling looks fun!

  25. Look at all those highlights!!!! Wowzee! You guys had so much going on!Congrats Cupcake and mom! I will have to take a look at your ma’s stories! 🙂

  26. Bowling with those water bottles looked a lot of fun!
    Best wishes for 2013.

  27. […] I will learn to bowl. I knew how to bowl last year, but now that I have a set of bowling pins, I forgot what to do with them. Mom is […]

  28. […] day. I am getting better with fetching, as long as there are Cheerios. I am still confused about bowling, […]

  29. […] got some new toys and a new coat from Santa. They have now joined up with my old […]

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