Living with a children's author isn't as easy as it looks!

Something New

Every month, Mom starts something new – a new story for her 12×12 Challenge. This month, she is working on a story that she is determined to finish, even though she doesn’t even like it. She said, “This story is weird.” and “I have no idea where this is going.” and “Let’s get out of here. We’re going to the park.”

I LOVE when that happens!

On my way to become a GeoDog!

Recently, we started something new at the park, too. It’s called Geocaching.

geo app

We learned about it from our blogging friends Finn and Gizmo.


Mom read the web site, watched the YouTube video, signed us up, put the app on her phone, and off we went. When we got to the park, we looked at the flowers, and then sat on the bench for a while.

C'mon, Mom! What are we waiting for!

C’mon, Mom! What are we waiting for!?

Mom checked out the app and it said that there was a cache .3 miles from where we were sitting!

We weren’t too hopeful, since the park was all torn up with noisy construction vehicles, and a lot of the shrubs and plants were gone.


But we walked along, following the arrow on the GPS and the compass. At the end of the construction fence, there was one shrub left.

construction shrub

Mom said “This must be the place.” and “Get out of there before you get stuck.” and “OMG! There it is!!”

It's right behind my right ear!

It’s behind my right ear!

I helped her find it! “Uh… You’re welcome, Mom….”

It was the tiniest little container with a paper to sign inside.


So we signed and put it back exactly where we found it.


Our first find. First of many, I hope!

There’s always a new story to write and always a new geocache to find.

another geo


Cool off with some lemonade, and then click here to visit some more GeoDogs – like me!


Comments on: "Something New" (87)

  1. So awesome!! Congrats on you first find! Glad your knee was feeling better that you could go out. Thanks for playing along today!

  2. Cupcake, what fun! Geocaching seems to be all around me. I think I have to take my family geocaching (can you imagine the treats I’d find in the ground?!).

    ~ Coccolino the mini pig

  3. Everyone will be geocaching soon! It sounds as though you had fun. I hope your mom’s story works out!

  4. That is so cool that you found your first geocache! I would love to do this too with our dogs, but I don’t have a smart phone – just an old flip phone. I always wanted to know “what” was inside those things. When are you going to try to find your second one?

  5. Cupcake that was fantastic that you and Mommy found it, isn’t it small..BOL. xxooxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  6. Cupcake what intrepid explorers you and mum are!! such a tiny one and you found it..well done sounds like everyone is enjoying this! Have a great day hugs Fozziemum x

  7. First I thought the digger is your geocaching equipment LOL. Congratulations to your first cache – Have a wonderful Geodog Friday!

  8. Whee is hearing a lot about this geocaching. Whee might has to send our hoomans out to try it themselves!

    Nutty, Nacho, Buddy & Basil

  9. We’ve never heard of geocaching…what a fun thing! We are going to have our mom check it out and see if it is in our area. The could do that on their tandem. Thanks for sharing, Cupcake. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  10. We LOVE to geocache at our house! 😀

  11. happy fridayyyyy xxx

  12. Erik and I are the only two human faces on this post. Loved the post Cupcake. Wasn’t quite sure what geocaching means, other than a search for a cache. But, makes taking a walk a lot of fun if its an adventure.

  13. Gosh Cupcake that sounds like lots of fun! Mom doesn’t have a cell phone thingie so I guess we can’t do that but I bet I’d like it……BRAVO for you and your Mom finding your first Geocache!!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  14. Good hunting Cupcake! Woooowooooo, Ku

  15. Nice find, geocaching is a blast!

  16. I have heard of this but never tried it, congrats!!

  17. Sounds like tons of fun, and something that could be in a kids’ article or story! As for the GPS, what does she need that for when she’s got a keen huntress such as yourself, Cupcake? 🙂

    • Ha! You just answered your own question, S. It’s BECAUSE I’m along that Mom needs the GPS. Sometimes I get distracted checking my pee-mail at the park….

      Love and licks,

  18. Cupcake this is pawsome! You’re a real geodog now…I’m so proud of you…You did great finding you first cache…Momz sent you a geo friend request and I’ll send one when I get home 🙂 Thank you so much for joining in the fun of Geodog Day!

  19. Congrats on your first find!! Hope to see more finds 🙂

  20. I have no doubt that you will sniff out all the geo-stuff! Especially now since mom is blazing new trails!
    Good luck, both of you! ❤

  21. Well done Cupcake! It sounds like a lot of fun 🙂 That is a lovely picture of you with the flowers in the background 🙂

  22. snoopys@snoopysdogblog said:

    Well done Cupcake!!

    My Mum was looking at that, but we haven’t got around to doing one yet, I loved all your instructions on exactly what you did, I’m gonna encourage Mum to get started too!

    Have a fun weekend,

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  23. Hmmmm…we tried to follow the compass on our app and it told us to look in the EXACT OPPOSITE direction of the actual cache. I am not compass dummy but perhaps the electronic compass on app works different. If I try it again I will pay more attention to it.

  24. Well done for finding it Cupcake!

  25. Lemonade and the geocache name was Down the Hatch. Now we will think of lemonade and cupcakes when we hear that expression again. Glad u found your geocache. Thanks for visiting our blog too.

    • Ha! I didn’t even realize that – Down the Hatch. That’s funny! Mom has a life rule about lemonade stands. She will NEVER pass one without stopping to buy some lemonade. She’s weird that way. Lucky she has me to help her drink it.

      Love and licks,

  26. A perfectly functioning new human knee + a perfectly functioning slightly used canine brain = GREAT success in geocaching! Congrats!

  27. OMD!!! Well done Cupcake!! You are just full of hidden talents & surprises – what would your mom do without you xxx

  28. I love geocaching! I am quite impressed that you found such a tiny one on your first try!

  29. Wow, this looks like so much fun! Maybe I can convince mom to try it with me!
    Keep inspiring, dear Cupcake!

  30. I really want to do this with my pups. So are you saying that there is an app for your phone that just points you in the right direction? I might actually be able to do this!

  31. Oh what fun indeed!!!! Way to go sweet Cupcake!!!!

  32. We almost missed this one, Cupcake. Very well done and so nice to see you joining GeoDogs. Good night Pawkisses 🙂

  33. How fun! I’ve heard of geocaching, but wasn’t sure what it was.

  34. I didn’t know there was a geocache app! I still have an old geo tracker thingy bobber, but I’m afraid when I realized it only took me within 5 feet of the geocache, I began to lose interest. You can only look under bushes for so long!

  35. Glad you are taking Mom’s knees out for a walk, very important! Finding treasures is cool too.

  36. Now that is cool! We collies would love it too, except Ginger would rig an explosive device to one of them ….. Lad would water one…. but that would add to the fun wouldn’t it? Thanks for the heads up on this we are gonna check it out!

  37. […] whilst exploring ? Well, the goose poop, I mean candy is pretty exciting, but when I went Geocaching, I found a tiny cache in a tree. …..And once I found a pork chop bone by the […]

  38. oh Cupcake, concatulations on finding your very first geocache!! You and Mom are officially geochachers…if that’s even a word…paw pats, Savannah

  39. […] and I went geocaching again last week. Geocaching is like treasure hunting. Mom holds the phone that shows the GPS and […]

  40. […] is a flower. Some are crunchy, brown, dead things that need to be raked up or blown away with noisy machines that I’m pretty sure are trying to kill […]

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  42. […] is not hiding from her 12×12 Challenge this month. She started a new story for May and even though it’s not quite halfway through the month, she’s halfway through the […]

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