Living with a children's author isn't as easy as it looks!


Long ago, when I was littler and naughtier, I used to eat the rent bill. Every single time the man slipped it under the door, I yanked it out of his hand and ate it – the bill, the envelope, the carbon copy and the return envelope.

ripped bill

Mom kept a few xeroxed copies on hand so she’d have something to mail back with her check.

I have learned that the rent bill isn’t delicious because it isn’t food. I stayed home alone with the bill on the floor all morning, and I didn’t even taste it. I learned. 




Inside – See how I’m not eating it?

Today, Mom will start learning at Susanna Hill’s class called Making Picture Book Magic.


MAGIC! That might be what’s been missing around here! Mom has all her supplies ready, like it said in the introduction email. She got some picture books from the library, made computer folders, bought index cards (in case her iPad index cards aren’t allowed), and she is getting her brain geared up to get started. Mom likes learning.


I don’t really like learning, but when there are Cheerios involved, I can learn. I am finally learning to fetch, just like Mom planned in her New Year’s resolution.


Comments on: "Learning" (70)

  1. Cupcake, I loved that, seeing you playing fetch. Youz really good at it 🙂 You could try eating my bills, they might taste nicer..BOL xxxx000xxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  2. Cupcake, you are very talented. And eating the bills isn’t yummy. Cocco found that out too, no surprise 🙂

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  3. Can I borrow you to eat my rent bills please 😀

  4. Oh Cupcake! Such a naughty dog eating bills! If that would just pay them…

  5. You’re right, bills aren’t delicious ;o) To learn with cheerios is the best way ever ;o)

  6. You did that fetch really well. I usually just give them a ‘look’ if they say fetch!

    • The “look” is very useful, Clowie. Usually when Mom said to fetch-it, I brought the ball on the couch and tried to hatch it like an egg. I still do that once in a while, but not too much.

      Love and licks,

  7. Did your landlord believe the old “my dog ate it” excuse?

  8. You are a good learner, Cupcake! Cheerios are way tastier than the rent bill, and look how well you have trained your mom to supply them so you’ll apply yourself 🙂 I hope your mom has fun with the course (and we will discuss ipad index cards… :))

  9. Oh I’m so excited you learned to fetch Cupcake!! I know Mom wanted to work on that, good job and very good job at learning not to eat the rent check!

  10. Awww, Cupcake, I’m so proud of you for learning so many new things! Please make sure to tell mom I’m proud of her too! ;~)

  11. Excellent learning skills Cupcake…..after a while of eating the rent bill and learning that it is a far cry from the deliciousness of cheerios, you just let it lie there…excellent. I hope your Mom enjoys her new class – learning is fun, I agree!!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  12. Chelsea Brown19 said:

    Aww Cupcake you’re adorable ❤

  13. bobmielke said:

    I’ve never really given writing a book a serious thought. I envy you for so being daring. You’ve seen enough of my zoo animal photos to realize how well illustrated such a book would be. Hmmmmm, still thinking. 🙂 Good luck with your class. Let us know all about it. – Bob

    • Thanks, Bob. You are an artist and a perfectionist. There’s no denying that, so you ‘could’ write a book. The only question is whether you ‘will’ write a book. Mom is not an artist or a perfectionist, but she ‘does’ write books.

      Love and licks,

  14. Fetch is great fun. We should play a game of fetch together.

  15. What a clever girl you are.
    Doggy eats my magazines once in awhile.

  16. I look forward to hearing about your mom’s adventure with Susanna’s class. Sounds fun! And great job fetching, Cupcake. I wouldn’t think the rent bill would taste all that good, either!

  17. Jeff says Rocky can fetch like that, only he would knock over lots of things before and after the fetching process. You are a good girl. Nice work with learning. I hope mom learns enough from the magical place to get some not-so-bright people to finally notice book two. What’s wrong with these people?!?
    I’m go to check out the magic…

  18. Well, glad you don’t eat the bills anymore Cupcake. They don’t look too delicious! Sounds like a fun class your mom is going to. She sounds pretty organized too!

  19. You are a much better learner than Wonderbutt, Cupcake. He would definitely eat any letter on the floor, and he never fetches!

  20. When I was little I ate the council tax bill – mummy hoped it meant she didn’t have to pay it but she did BOL. Now we have a postbox just in case.
    You are very good to leave the rent alone now

  21. Cupcake, you need to go on a U.S.A. tour – then I can meet you! 😀

  22. I am sure we would never see our bills if they were slid under the door. Even Sam gets a wild hair once in a while and eats paper.


  23. Cathy Ballou Mealey said:

    I second Erik’s idea – a national tour for Cupcake!

  24. Hi Buddy,

    Probably wise not to each the rent bill anymore – sure Mum can give you some yummy treats instead!! Can’t wait to see what you learn about making magic picture books!! 🙂

    Have fun,

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  25. Wow you should come here pal, we have loads of papers that you could shred!! Well done on your fetch, I see you are training your mum well, although I think you may have to work on the reward bit – I do hope that a treat came your way when you dropped the ball? And if should be ball on feet reward, not a big pause! Keep going, you’ll soon get there!

  26. Seee cupcake knows where its at, those bills HAD TO BE DESTROYED! And she is a good little fetcher! loved the video. p.s- I am doing a ancient dog event where you can enter your dog and if he gets picked by he gets a whole post dedicated to him/her on my blog. Look at my post for more info.

  27. You are amazing Cupcake! And so is that book ya got there.

  28. Look at that, Cupcake! You have become an expert fetcher! I am very impressed 🙂 But then I always knew you could do it!! And good work not eating those bills, too; it is good to save room for more tastier things 🙂

  29. Love the photo of you with glasses on – very intellectual 🙂 Hope your mom enjoys learning picture book magic 🙂

  30. Cupcake, you can use some magic before eating the bills… 😀

  31. Now that is progress… Genevieve you won’t believe this but I’ve been looking for the link to your next page and could never find it… I just did now!!! My word, I must be losing sight in an eye. Phew!

  32. […] of this, Mom insists on teaching me new things all the time. She says, “Find it!” and “Fetch it!” and “Drop it!” and “Touch it!” and “Leave it!” and […]

  33. […] try to fetch the ball and to walk past things even if they’re […]

  34. […] to understand this advice. I finally learned what it means. For any of my friends struggling with fetching, the secret to it is the bring-back. Do not get the ball, bring it on the couch, and try to hatch […]

  35. […] “Fetch” not “Pick up and deliver.” I understand these small words and they do the job […]

  36. […] 3. Sleep – A good night’s sleep will make a better learner. […]

  37. […] with me, teaches me, goes shopping, talks on the phone, throws my baseball, has lunch with her friends…. Wait. What? I think I got off the topic there for a […]

  38. […] tricks I don’t know and can’t seem to learn are fetch and hide and seek. When Mom hides from me, she stands there quietly like an idiot and I never bother […]

  39. […] am finished trying to learn Fetch. What is that stupid game about, […]

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