Living with a children's author isn't as easy as it looks!

Hidden in the Blizzard

We had a blizzard this weekend.


The snow got really high, the wind blew really hard, and it was really cold. Even though I wore my heaviest jacket, I had to run around in a lot of circles to keep warm. And when the snow was deep enough to touch my belly, I wanted to come inside right away!

The first inch...

The 1st inch…

The 9th inch...

The 9th inch…

I couldn’t sniff the grass, because it was covered with snow. So I sniffed the snow instead. And guess what I found! An empty potato chip bag. It was hidden under the snow! Mom said the word, “Leave it.” before I could investigate and possibly taste some frozen potato chip crumbs, but it was an exciting find, anyway. In the morning, I tried to find the bag again, But the snow was too deep and I couldn’t even breathe in there.


Sometimes, Mom has a blizzard of ideas. But sometimes, her ideas are hidden. They’re not under the snow, or frozen, but they are buried in the back of her brain. When she studies at her online writing class, the hidden ideas start to pop out of her head. Mom says, “I’ve never tried that before.” and “That’s why this part wasn’t working.” and “Stop barking at the snowblower!”


Comments on: "Hidden in the Blizzard" (56)

  1. You were very brave to go out there. Zac told me I wouldn’t like snow and I believe him! Though I don’t know how he’d know, he’d never seen any either 😀

  2. Cupcake, We’ve seen the blizzard on tele and we were worried about you and now we’re very happy you’re doing fine.. sigh..
    Surprises under the snow are making it easier to walk through, doesn’t it. Btw Lovely jacket 🙂

    • Thanks, AW. We didn’t even have the worst part of the blizzard. The snow was almost a foot high here. In some places it was 3 feet high. Scary. My jacket was helpful – and cute!

      Love and licks,

  3. YOU look like you are freezing cupcake!

  4. The snow looks fun Cupcake but there sure is a lot of it.. You and Mummy keep safe and warm..Finding chip bags in the snow is a real treat 🙂 xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  5. You and your mom were smart to go out briefly for air and then return home to rest. We had a ton of snow too… Thank God it’s melting. 🙂

  6. Snow is really a bummer when your little tummy is so close to the ground. Not surprised you wanted to come in. Very funny 😀 that your mom’s hidden idea was “stop barking at the snowblower” – had a good laugh, thanks.

    • Thanks, LongLife. I like the snow until it touches my belly. Yesterday it was cold enough for me to walk along the top of the snow. I was King of the Hill. Today, it’s turned all soft and mushy. Now I am King of the Bottom of the Hill.

      Love and licks,

  7. Whenever I find anything like an empty chip bag, someone tells me “leave it”. Keep warm, Cupcake!

  8. You are so cute, Cupcake! Scout and Jemma like to put their whole heads in the snow and look for mice (which they don’t find) and then pull their heads back out and shake them and sneeze 🙂 Glad you’re mom is digging out her ideas. And really? SOMEone has to bark at the snowblower!!! 🙂

    • You “get me” Susanna! Snowblowers must die. I also sneezed when I finally pulled my head out of the snow! If I ever saw a mouse under there, I would’ve given myself a heart attack. I’m pretty sure I’m afraid of them. Scout and Jemma are brave.

      Love and licks,

  9. WOWZERS Cupcake…..that’s a whole lotta snow! Concatulations on finding a potato chip bag in all that white stuff…goes to show what a superior sense of smell you have! I love your coat – you look quite snuggly in it BUT I’m sure you were happy to get back inside when you discovered how deep that snow was. I have to hide from Dad’s snowblower – it makes way too much noise for my delicate ears……sniff.

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  10. Keep warm little cuppycake, glad you’ve had some fun in the snow and found some noms too.
    We have snow too:-)

  11. Looks like you and fun with the blizzard. YAY!
    I’m glad mom is getting snowed under with ideas. The magic of the class is working. FUN!
    I love all the photos. The first two are impressive. The ones of you are adorable.

    • Thanks, Gemma! Mom’s magical ideas are helping her work on her class and also write her monthly story for 12×12. I watch her very carefully to make sure she is doing OK with her writing. And also to see when I can lick her cup.

      Love and licks,

  12. I saw on the news a video of a crazy human in a speedo take a dive off his back porch into a snow bank. “Silly rabbit, Kix are for Kids”!

  13. You got hit much harder there. it rained overnight and it’s 39 now. Lost most of the 6 inches we got from the blast. Flip flop!

    • We got the flip-flop, too, John. It’s rainy and melty here, too. I fall right through the snow hills when I try to climb them. I went from King of the Hill to King of the Puddle overnight.

      Love and licks,

  14. Glad you didn’t die Cupcake! You’re (nearly) invincible! Maggie’s a little different, because of her breed. She LOVES the snow, sticking her furry face in, rolling around, etc. I call her “Maggie Snowface” 😉

  15. I’m glad you have a coat, Cupcake. You found an empty potato chip bag with frozen crumbs inside? Great! I think you just invented the “crunchy potato chip ice cream” – Congratulation!

  16. The snow sure did get high for you! Looks like fun but a nice break inside is pretty good. Maybe you will find a chip bag with some chips left in them inside!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

    • I wish, K and C. Mom doesn’t even buy those delicious things around here. The best I can hope for is a corn flake, if I’m lucky. Unless that bag comes back in the spring….

      Love and licks,

  17. Between hurricanes and snow you guys have braved a lot this year!

  18. Wow! I’ve never seen so much snow!! I hope you don’t get lost in it!

  19. We had snow, too, Cupcake. Luckily, not quite a blizzard and not quite high enough to reach The Two Orange Pups’ tummies. They had fun chasing snowballs when the flakes stopped flying.
    I can relate to your Mom’s issues with hidden ideas. Sometimes my ideas feel like they’re hiding, too. Maybe I’ll find a few when the snow piles melt…

    • Smart idea, Pat! I know I’m going out to see what’s under the snow, as soon as it melts some more. Your ideas and my potato chip crumbs HAVE to be out there.

      Love and licks,

  20. Hi there Cuppycake! Whee are finally back and our Mummy is on the mend. Just in time for Buddy (Romeo) to escort your stunning self to the Valentines Ball!

    Oh Cupcake, Oh Cupcake, please be ready on time,
    So whee are not late!

    Nibbles, Nutty, Buddy & Basil

  21. Oh man look at all that snow! We had the same thing 10 inches! Couldn’t even walk kirby for a while because he has hair and there was no sidewalk! Hopeing today we can go out though. Cupcake’s coat looks adorable!!!

    • Thanks, KDB! I do look sweet in my pink jacket. Thanks for noticing. Kirby would have been lost under 10 inches of snow!! He needs a little saucer sled, so you can pull him around!

      Love and licks,

  22. Love your pink coat, Cupcake! How fun to have all that snow. (at least for a little while) I like your mom’s analogy…a blizzard of ideas!

  23. snoopys@snoopysdogblog said:

    Of course you’re gonna bark at the snowblower, it’s your job!!

    My Mum loves your coat, I’m not into pink unless it’s on girlies, of which I definitely not one, despite Mum’s efforts to make me look like one!!

    Have fun in the snow buddy,

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  24. She shouldn’t tell the people in her online class to stop barking at the snowblower. That might inhibit their creativity.

  25. You look beautiful in your cute pink coat, Cupcake! Perfect for Valentine’s Day!

    Sometimes mom wishes I was a girl so she could put lots of pink clothes on me 🙂 I say she should just get a girl pup so she can dress her up and I can have a buddy to play with!!

  26. Wow Cupcake! We got about a foot of snow from this storm but you all really got clobbered!!! We were wondering how you were doing… you sure have had your storms this year. Glad you are okay!
    Lots of collie hugs!
    the collies and chuck 🙂

  27. You would have been buried at our house Cupcake. Sampson and Delilah practically were and they are much larger than you. Hopefully you’ve had some warm days like we have and have had some melting, which makes it much easier for getting around. 🙂

  28. […] block. She says, “Never.” That’s because as long as she has a list of ideas, even if one story gets stuck, there are a bunch of other stories just waiting to get […]

  29. […] long time ago, I found a soggy potato chip bag hidden under the snow. So far, try as I might, I haven’t found any buried […]

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