Living with a children's author isn't as easy as it looks!

How Sweet Am I?

Prizes! Yay! We have won another award or two or three. We were given the One Sweet Blog Award from our friends at Hutch a Good Life and the Super Sweet Blogging Award from our friend Clowie and the whole zoo at Dog Daz.  Take a look at them!

Cupcakes! Like my name! Mom named me Cupcake because I am so sweet and now my blog is also sweet, just like me!

Mom bakes cupcakes sometimes. She mixes up butter, sugar, eggs, milk, vanilla, flour, and baking powder.  She says, “Baking is like writing.  All the ingredients need to be in there.” and “If I leave anything out, the cupcakes won’t be any good.” and “Get your head out of the oven!”

When Mom writes a new story, she has to get all the ingredients into it. Right now, she’s working on two stories at once. Each one needs original characters, an interesting setting, some scene changes, a fun plot with lots of conflict and a satisfying resolution, opportunity for illustration, poetic language, humor, tension, and dialogue. And vanilla and eggs. (I’m lying about that last part.)

After Mom gets to the end of the story, she has to leave it alone for a while. That’s like when the cupcakes have to cool off. When the story cools off for a while, Mom will put frosting on it.  Oh no! That’s the cupcakes. She’ll revise the story A LOT.  She’ll cut words that slow the story down, add words that move the story along, read it out loud ten million times, do everything she can to make it better, and cover the top with sprinkles. Wait. What? I love sprinkles. And frosting.  And cupcakes. And stories!

There are no rules for the One Sweet Blog Award (except to be sweet). For the Super Sweet Blog Award the rules are:

1. Give credit to the person who chose you.

2. Answer the ‘Super Sweet’ questions below.

3. Nominate a “Baker’s Dozen” (13) blogs.

Super Sweet Questions:

1. Cookies or Cake? Both. And bacon. And anything from the garbage pail. And goose poop.

2. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate is poison, for dogs, so I’ll say chocolate.  I like eating poison every chance I get.

3. What is your favorite sweet treat? Mom’s homemade frozen yogurt dog pops.

4. When do you crave sweet things the most? Every minute of every day.

5. If you had a sweet nickname, what would it be? I already have a sweet name!!

Now I will name 13 blogs that I like.  If you already have the award, then congratulations. Either way, we picked you because we like you, and want lots of other people to like you along with us. 

1. Jenny

2. Charlie Eve

3. Bubba

4. Mollie

5. Misaki

6. Sammy

7. Susanna

8. Hamsters

9. Doggy

10. Collies

11. Bassa

12. Marcie

13. Donna

I wish a baker’s dozen was 100, because we really like a LOT of blogs!

Comments on: "How Sweet Am I?" (53)

  1. Oh you do look sweet helping with the cooking! Those sweet awards suit you perfectly, as does your name.

  2. Love your pigtures! Cangratulations on being so sweet! 😉

    Nibbles, Nutty, Buddy & Basil

  3. Congratulations!!! Enjoy cupcakes and stories and have a super sweet wednesday!!!

  4. You are sooo sweet Cupcake..Thank you for passing it on to me 🙂 Your Mommy’s writing two stories at once ?? She’s just so clever 🙂 Have a great Wednesday xxx000xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  5. Congratulations cuppycake, you are so cute!!

  6. You are sweeter than cotton candy.
    Congrats on the award and thanks for passing it on.

  7. Hi Cutie Cupcake! Concatulations on TWO sweet awards – couldn’t happen to a sweeter pup! It’s nice that you help your Mom when she’s baking AND when she’s writing. I try to do the same thing but Mom says I can be somewhat “distracting” – whatever THAT means! Thanks for mentioning ME too!!!!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  8. Hurray for baking cupcakes and baking stories and for you, the sweetest Cupcake of them all! Good luck to your Mom on those two stories at once. All those story ingredients are so important. I should write down the recipe so I remember it.

  9. I’m so jealous Cupcake, you look beyond adorable in every single photograph. Its not fair, whats your secret ?! Theres a telly programme here in the uk called Top Dog Model. If you were here, you’d win hands down. just sayin’ 😀 xxxxx

  10. Cupcake,

    You are so talented & perceptive! Writing is like baking – you need to add just the right ingredients, stir & stir, then let it simmer until you get everything “just right”. Thanks for sharing Mom’s recipe – think I need to try it!

    Goose poop? Oh, Cupcake! The Two Orange Pups are partial to bunny droppings….Less messy!

    • Thanks, Patricia. Those orange pups are naughty like me, eating all that evil stuff. Mom says I’ll get a spankin’. I think that’s something like bacon! Yay!

      Love and licks,

  11. You ARE the sweetest so these awards are so ‘you’. I’m with you on the bacon. It belongs on almost everything!
    Congratulations 😆

  12. You are super sweet, Cupcake! And you look especially so in your cupcake bandana 🙂 I am honored that you chose me to be one of the baker’s dozen – thank you so much! you must have noticed all the poison chocolate and donuts that wind up on my blog 🙂 Have a sweet day 🙂

    • Thanks, Susanna! Of course your blog has all the foods I love, and all the stories Mom loves. Sometimes she can’t comment because your blog hates her and fights with her.

      Love and licks,

  13. Awww, Cupcake…I don’t think anyone could be sweeter than you, but I thank you for choosing me as one of your baker’s dozen! I think your Mom is pretty sweet, too…;~)

    Donna L Martin

  14. Oh yay – more cakes for us, we are SO lucky this week. Mumma says it’s lucky they are virtual cakes since she’s the only one of us allowed to eat real cakes and with summer approaching she should probably go easy on the sweets 🙂 Thank you Cupcake (and your mumma). x

  15. HAHAHAHA! I LOVE your answers Cupcake! I was literally laughing out loud! Great post!

  16. Wow! I’m so excited! Another dog in the blog world! I have just found your home thru a round about web way. But I’m glad I did. I think I’ll come visit often. Your place looks pretty fun!

  17. Hi!
    We got a little behind this week so we finally caught up today! Thank you for the award! We will be spreading the food fight soon. We love the pictures of you Cupcake! You are so darn cute! We keep you and your mom in our prayers and we cant wait till your mom has another book! 🙂

  18. You’re the Sweetest, Cupcake. Congratulations on your Sweet and SuperSweet Award. I’m sure you’ll bake them delicious 😉

  19. Congratulations! We hope you enjoy your sweet award!

  20. Congratulations! 🙂

  21. […] says there’s no such thing as too sweet. To see my Super Sweet questions and answers, click here. If you are Super Sweet, feel free to take the badge and answer the questions on your […]

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