Living with a children's author isn't as easy as it looks!

Happy Dance

Some people dance when they’re happy. I dance every day. Move over, Snoopy!

Mom makes me dance for my treats. She thinks it will keep me from getting fat and that it will strengthen my core. Core? Really? If that’s something like “corn” then I’m OK with it. Once I licked a corn cob till Mom’s hands got tired of holding it. So, I dance, whether I’m happy or just feel like a snack. 

Feeling happy is always good. Mom feels happy because of her story in Stories for Children E-Magazine this month and her story in Turtle Magazine next month. She is also happy to be keeping up in her 12×12 Challenge, and she’s thinking about starting another challenge called PiBoIdMo in November.  That one also scares her a little.  I know about being scared.  You should see the freak-head-jack-o-lantern that my neighbor puts in the hallway every year. *shiver*

Something else that’s making Mom happy and excited is the Katie Davis Webinar she is ‘attending’ this week. For an hour, she will look at the computer and learn things about writing and submitting and how not to be a one-book-wonder. I am also excited about this Webinar because Mom doesn’t have to go in the car to get there. That means I can stare at her the whole time…

…and not have to watch out the window or “wait quietly like a big girl.”

Both of us are SUPER-happy that our friends at Our Furever Family let me tell a whole entire story about ME on their blog. Yay me!  What are you waiting for? Get over there and read about me!

Comments on: "Happy Dance" (58)

  1. Oh Cupcake, you are a beautiful dancer, it was lovely to see you on video. Big congratulations to Mommy 🙂 Will pop over and see you xx00xxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  2. Sweet Cupcake, you’re a great dancer and I liked your story on Our Furever Family, so glad your mommy came back to you and finally brought you home. 🙂

  3. Catherine Johnson said:

    Super dancing andwell done mommy!

  4. Cute! I’ve read your story as well, I’m glad you found each other.

  5. Oh Cupcake you look so pretty in your little green dancing skirt! You could easily be a professional dancer – maybe in the ballet or maybe at Radio City Music Hall in the chorus line? Please tell your Mommy that my Mom says congratulations on the stories she got published! You and I know what it’s like living with writers….not always easy is it?!

    Happy Monday Cupcake!
    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  6. Great dancing skills!
    I saw your story on Our Furever Family! Great stuff!

  7. You are a great dancer… maybe santa claws brings you a pair of red ballet shoes?

  8. Cupcake! If your mom is coming to my webinar with Elizabeth Harding you don’t have to stare at her – you can stare at the computer and learn about the secrets to getting an agent too! You’ll be the best doggie writer ever!

    • Thanks, Katie. I’d actually rather stare at Mom than anything else. She thinks it’s kinda creepy. But I’ll listen to the webinar, just in case she needs my help.

      Love and licks,

  9. So happy, Cupcake, that you are there dancing to brighten your Mom’s days! And guest blogging, too! So super talented (just like your Mom)!

  10. I’m so glad you found your Mom!! I think you both came out just right on that deal! And that is enough to keep you dancing. I dance alot too when I’m happy. Which is mostly at dinner time. Thanks for sharing your Love Story!

  11. LOL, nice moves, Cupcake!

  12. Ok. Ok. Even though I knew I’d know the Love Story, I went and read it because you ARE the sweetest of Cupcakes. Maybe you can watch the webinar in case mom misses or forgets something 😆

  13. Great dancing, Cupcake! And great reasons for your Mom to dance, too! I absolutely loved your story about how your Mom found you. I’m very glad she did!

  14. Great dancing Cupcake. Loved seeing you! Hope mom’s webinar helps. She does a great job writing and her having a book published is a dream for many of us. I see my daughter putting things together for a mini cupcake head! Thank you and I cant wait to see how this turns out. 🙂

    God Bless You!
    the collies and chuck 🙂

  15. You should audition for So You Think You Can Dance or Dancing With The Stars, you being the star.

  16. Lovely dance, Cupcake! And congratulations to your Mom on her published stories!

  17. I love your dancing!

  18. Loved your video! You make a very cute ballerina!

  19. Dancing is also good for working up an appetite for treats 🙂 Loved you adoption story over at Our Furever Family!

  20. You are one cute dancing Cupcake! 🙂
    Congrats to your Mom – really, really impressive! Can I say I know someone famous now?

  21. Love the tutu! It is good to practice being a big girl sometimes 🙂
    Hugs and pats,

  22. Cupcake you are a fabulous dancer! Congrats to your mom!
    Bella and DiDi

  23. My what a good dancer! My dog, Nutmeg, twirls and hops (among other things) for his treats. He also loves corn on the cob. Though he likes to get his little sharp front teeth in there and get the the germ still lurking in the pockets. He’s so into it he tries to grab the whole cob so he can munch it all! It’s much nicer to just lick the cob, Cupcake…much more ladylike. =]

    • Welcome back, Amber. Nutmeg is smart like me about corn. It’s all about the cob. Sometimes I lose my mind and try to grab it and make a run for it. Mom is too smart for that trick, though. Great plan. Epic fail.

      Love and licks,

  24. What an uplifting, entertaining piece. Loved this! 🙂

  25. Sounds like reasons for dancing! Break out the cookies!

  26. Thanks for the dance – it made us smile.

  27. […] God!” about this quote. In her 12×12 in 2014 challenge, Mom writes a new first draft every month. So far she is keeping up, staying ahead, and getting it […]

  28. […] has been in it since 2012. It makes her list of story ideas grow by leaps and bounds, so she joined up again this year. She […]

  29. […] and high five and give my paw and dance. […]

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