Living with a children's author isn't as easy as it looks!


I love to jump – onto the couch, off the couch, onto the bed, off the bed, into the car…

You get what I mean.  So Mom decided to teach me to jump through a hoop.  This sounds simple, but it’s not.  Sometimes I forget to jump, and I accidentally run UNDER the hoop and stand on the other side, waiting for a Cheerio. Sometimes, my front feet jump, but my back feet don’t.  Mom says, “Why did I waste $8 on a hula hoop?” and “Up. Up! UP!! Ugh.” and “You’re only halfway there.”

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Mom is also halfway there in her 12×12 Challenge. She and a bunch of other picture book authors decided to join Julie Hedlund and challenge themselves to write a picture book a month for 12 months in 2012.  Now that it’s the end of June, they’re halfway there. 

Mom is actually a little more than halfway there!  She has written 7 and a half picture books.  She likes most of them, but she thinks a couple stink.  She says, “It’s only a first draft.” and “This one isn’t my favorite.” and “I have Cheerios in my pocket. Let’s play Fetch for a while.”

Yeah…I’m only halfway there, too….

I’m not worried about Mom. She always finishes what she starts.  She has to keep trying like I do, and we can get a new box of Cheerios, so we don’t run out.

Comments on: "Halfway" (54)

  1. Cupcake,

    Wow! You could be a stunt dog if you learn how to jump through the hoop! Our humans have never tried that one with us. Congrats to your mom for doing so well on her challenge.

    Bella and DiDi

  2. Cupcake, I think your mom is lucky to have you…even if you could only get through the houla hoop half way. And give your mom love and licks for making it half way through her own challenge…;0)

    • Thanks, Donna! Mom studies with me a lot, so maybe I’ll learn the rest of my hoop work, and maybe I’ll finally understand the second half of fetching. I’ll keep you posted!

      Love and licks,

  3. Thanks for the GREAT visual Cupcake for the half-way point in our 12x12in2012 Picture Book Challenge adventures.

  4. tinamcho said:

    Way to go, Cupcake! Keep practicing and you’ll get it! Congrats to your mom for 7.5 manuscripts. That’s awesome!

  5. Half way is better than no way and it must be tough jumping with four feet, I mean paws. Two is tricky enough!

    • Thank you, Gemma! Jumping is tough, …..except when I am landing on the couch to play with toys, on the bed to snuggle, or in the car for a road trip – then I can fly like a bird. Mom says I will have to learn it sooner or later because of the $8 for the hula hoop.

      Love and licks,

  6. Congrats to your Mom on her progess, Cupcake! And I’m so glad you contributed such a fun post to the 12 x 12 party!

  7. Hey, half-way is way better than no way, right? Yay you, Cupcake, for trying! And YAY your Mom for 7.5 manuscripts! That is great! Happy Half-Way and here’s to the second half! Back legs, more manuscripts, and fetching! Woo-hoo!

  8. This is one of the great things about the 12×12 challenge is that I get to meet wonderful and fascinating people…I mean dogs, like you. Thanks, Cupcake! You and Mom are doing a great job and are making progress. keep it up. I think Mom deserves a treat too after the completion of each manuscript.

    • Thanks, Romelle! It’s nice to meet you, too! I’m pretty sure Mom gives herself a treat before, during, and after every story she writes. I’ve detected the smell of rainbow sprinkles on her more than once!

      Love and licks,

  9. Hoop jumping sounds awesome! Keep trying, you’ll get there 🙂

  10. Hi Cupcake! Keep practicing and just think of the rewards when you have accomplished the hoop, that’s what I keep telling myself when writing drafts.. Congrat your Mum for me, she is doing awesome stuff.

  11. Cupcake! You have to start somewhere and halfway means you only havve to do part of what is left to do now. 🙂 Ginger says, just chew the bottom half off and you wont have to jump…. sigh….
    Your friends,
    the collies, dad and the plotting Ginger…

  12. Cupcake! Every time I see a post here or on FB about Cupcake it makes me A) hungry and B) want a pup.

    • Thanks, Carter! What are you waiting for? Have some cookies and get going to the shelter. There’s a pup sitting in a cage waiting for you right now!!

      Love and licks,

  13. Cupcake, you are adorable as always. Congrats to your mom.

  14. That’s amazing, Cupcake, that’s only a half way to complete…the jump. Come on, you can do it 😀

  15. Cupcake, I’m so proud of the support you’ve given your mom so far during this challenge. Keep it up and jump through that hoop!

  16. Cupcake, you and your Mom make an amazing team. Looks like you are both more than half way there. Methinks you are both winners! Here’s to more cheerios, manuscripts and doggy challenges.

    • Thanks, Joanna. I am 2 thumbs up (if I had thumbs) on more Cheerios, more manuscripts, but NOT more doggy challenges!! I may be in over my head, here….

      Love and licks,

  17. Wow, 7 and a half picture books! Fantastic achievement.

  18. Cupcake! Thanks…you are very encouraging. I am just hoping you get more than half a cheerio when you make it only halfway. That would be sad. Thanks for sharing!

  19. Sweet! And you both deserve a pat on the back, or a scratch, a cake, a bone, or whatever else you want!

  20. moonduster said:

    Cupcake is such a cutie! I loved hosting you both on my blog for the blog interview! 🙂

    Just this week, I managed to teach my dog to “play dead.” It’s quite an achievement for him (even if it only last for half a second! lol!)

    Happy Halfway! 🙂

    • Thanks Rebecca! We loved visiting your blog!

      Playing dead is a GREAT trick, even for half a second. Whenever Mom tries to make me roll over, I turn to stone. I don’t like to be on the floor, not even for half a second!!

      Love and licks,

  21. Cupcake i welcome anytime to stay and hula hoop with us in Colorado! Wholehearted congrats at the halfway mark!

  22. Congratulations and happy halfway! Seven and a half drafts is very exciting.

  23. Congrats on your accomplishments, both of you! Doing something isn’t doing nothing .. so, it can only get better from here.

  24. Catherine Johnson said:

    Cupcake has some fantastic expressions! Congrats on getting halfway!

  25. Stacy S. Jensen said:

    Glad you are working your way through the manuscripts and have Cheerios in your pocket. Cupcake is one lucky dog!

  26. Jarm Del Boccio said:

    I wonder, Cupcake…will you and your Mom arrive across the finish line together?? You are a clever dog!!

  27. […] tried it with Cheerios on the […]

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